Registration and Indemnity Form

NEXT EVENT : Saturday 30th November 2024

But note the cost for each event is $450 including the $100 membership.

Kiwi bank: Account: Landspeed New Zealand Association Incorporated  Number of account: 38-9018-0289632-00

If any event is cancelled you lose the $100 membership, but the entry fee of $350 is credited to you for next event. If less than one month before an event and the participant wants to cancel, it is totally up to our discretion to refund the $350, if we have a waiting list or we can find a replacement then we will possible refund the $350

The participant entry is open for up to 45 entrants, of cars and motorbikes.
NOTE: The $450 entry fee includes the membership fee of $100 (Membership fee not refundable)

Please use the below form to register your details

Terms of entry can be found here – Cars | Bikes